Emanuel S Rosen MD, FRCSE, FRCOphth was one of two honoured guests of the American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery (ASCRS) annual meeting in Boston.
Dr Rosen, picture receiving his award from R Doyle Stulting Jr MD, incoming ASCRS president, was recognised for his role in advancing anterior segment surgery as founding co-editor of the Journal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery (JCRS).
“In 1995 Emanuel Rosen was editor of the European Journal of Implant and Refractive Surgery,” Dr Doyle told the congress’ opening session. “He and Steve Obstbaum, then editor of the Journal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery agreed to combine their respective journals to produce the definitive peer-reviewed publication of anterior segment surgery. After approval was received from the ASCRS and ESCRS Boards, the new journal was launched in January 1996 with Dr Rosen and Dr Obstbaum as co-editors. Today the journal is edited by Drs Rosen and Mamalis.”
Dr Rosen credited the many colleagues and staff members who have contributed to his own development as a surgeon, and helped build JCRS into the influential publication it is today.
A full report on Dr Rosen's presentation will appear in the June edition of EuroTimes.