This year’s recipient of the John Henahan Prize is Indian ophthalmologist, Kaladevi Ranganathan MD.
The prize is named in honour of the founding editor of EuroTimes, who edited the magazine from 1996 to 2001. The competition is open to ophthalmologists under 40 years of age and the prize is awarded to the author of the winning essay on a given theme.
Dr Ranganathan’s entry, "Judgement comes from experience", concerned her experience with the case of a six-year-old girl who very nearly had a disabling and stigmatising loss of vision in one eye following a fireworks accident, but who through timely and resourceful intervention now has normal vision and a good quality of life.
Dr Emanuel Rosen, chairman ESCRS Publications Committee, said the the standard of the entries for the 2009 EuroTimes John Henahan Prize was if anything even higher than the impressive 2008 entries and all the authors should be congratulated on their efforts.
"The prize will not only bring satisfaction to the winner and credit to all the contributors but may enhance all their prospects of pursuing a medical writing aspect to their future careers. We look to their further contributions to EuroTimes and the Journal of Cataract & Refractive Surgery,"
Dr Rosen, who is pictured above presenting Dr Ranganathan with her prize.
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